Born in Ankara in 1957. He was educated from Ankara University Medical Faculty in 1981 and finished his residency in general surgery in 1986 at the same Faculty. He worked as a vascular fellow in Charing Cross Hospital in London in 1984-1985. He practiced as a vascular surgeon in Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden between 1986-2000. He received his PhD in 1990 and associate professorship in 1992 and acted as a supervisor for 4 PhD students in Uppsala University. He started an independent vascular surgical department in Vasteras in 2000 and acted as the chief of that department till 2006. He built the vascular surgical department in Istanbul Surgical Hospital in 2006. He opened a private practice in 2011 in Istanbul.

Sadettin Karacagil
M.D., Ph.D.
Married, has two children, speaks fluent Turkish, Swedish, English. His hobbies are metal sculpture, photography, painting, history and music.
Basic Education Ankara Aydinlikevler primary school (1964-1969)
Ankara College (secondary and high school-1969-1974)
Ankara University Medical School (1974-1981)
Postdoctoral Education Resident / Surgery - Ankara University Hospital (1981-1984)
Vascular research fellow- Charing Cross Hospital / London (1984-1985)
Chief resident/ Surgery -Ankara University Hospital(1985-1986)
Vascular fellow - Uppsala University Hospital (1986-1990)
Certifications Turkish Board of Surgery (1986) Swedish Board of Surgery (1991)
Board-certified vascular surgeon ( Sweden) Academic degrees Ph.D. –Surgery / Uppsala University (1990)
Associate Professor- Surgery / Uppsala University (1992)
Ankara College (secondary and high school-1969-1974)
Ankara University Medical School (1974-1981)
Postdoctoral Education Resident / Surgery - Ankara University Hospital (1981-1984)
Vascular research fellow- Charing Cross Hospital / London (1984-1985)
Chief resident/ Surgery -Ankara University Hospital(1985-1986)
Vascular fellow - Uppsala University Hospital (1986-1990)
Certifications Turkish Board of Surgery (1986) Swedish Board of Surgery (1991)
Board-certified vascular surgeon ( Sweden) Academic degrees Ph.D. –Surgery / Uppsala University (1990)
Associate Professor- Surgery / Uppsala University (1992)
Resident / Surgery-Ankara University Hospital /Turkey(1981-1985)
Chief resident / Surgery-Ankara University Hospital/Turkey (1985-1986)
Vascular fellow - Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden(1986-1990)
Staff surgeon - Uppsala University Hospital/Sweden (1991-1994)
Director/Vascular Laboratory - Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden(1991-2001)
Consultant vascular surgeon - Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden(1994-2001)
Consultant vascular surgeon -Västerås Community Hospital /Sweden(2002-2004)
Chief/Division of Vascular Surgery-Västerås Community Hospital /Sweden(2002-2003)
Chief/Department of Vascular Surgery- Västerås Community Hospital /Sweden(2004- 2006)
Chief/Department of vascular surgery-Istanbul Surgical Hospital/Turkey ( 2006- 2011) Private practice- 2011- present
Chief resident / Surgery-Ankara University Hospital/Turkey (1985-1986)
Vascular fellow - Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden(1986-1990)
Staff surgeon - Uppsala University Hospital/Sweden (1991-1994)
Director/Vascular Laboratory - Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden(1991-2001)
Consultant vascular surgeon - Uppsala University Hospital /Sweden(1994-2001)
Consultant vascular surgeon -Västerås Community Hospital /Sweden(2002-2004)
Chief/Division of Vascular Surgery-Västerås Community Hospital /Sweden(2002-2003)
Chief/Department of Vascular Surgery- Västerås Community Hospital /Sweden(2004- 2006)
Chief/Department of vascular surgery-Istanbul Surgical Hospital/Turkey ( 2006- 2011) Private practice- 2011- present
Surgical experience
Performance of over 700 general surgical and 4000 major vascular arterial surgical operations and over 4000 varicose vein surgery.
Arterial Surgery: Carotid artery surgery (endarterectomy and bypass), ascending aorta-cervical artery bypass, extra-anatomic bypass in the neck, upper extremity bypass grafting, all types of thoracoabdominal aortic replacement, visceral artery reconstructions (direct renal, ex-vivo renal, coeliac and mesenteric), pararenal and infrarenal aortic aneurysm replacement, surgery for aortoiliac occlusive disease, surgical reconstructions for infected aortic grafts and aorto-enteric fistulae, infrainfrainguinal bypass surgery (femoropopliteal, tibial and pedal bypass and the use of distal a-v fistula / Miller cuff), various embolectomies and thrombectomies.
Venous surgery: Portal vein reconstruction, porta-caval shunts, vena cava replacement, caval thrombectomy, venous thrombectomy in the lower extremity, femoro-femoral venous cross-over bypass, venous valve transplantation, valvuloplasty, varicose vein surgery. Misc: Thoracic outlet syndrome (rib resection), access surgery and transluminally placed endovascular aortic grafts. Ultrasound experience Establishment of the non-invasive vascular laboratory in Uppsala University Hospital (1990) and in Central Hospital-Västerås (2001). Performance (over 30.000) and interpretation (over 20.000) of arterial and venous duplex scanning.
Performance of over 700 general surgical and 4000 major vascular arterial surgical operations and over 4000 varicose vein surgery.
Arterial Surgery: Carotid artery surgery (endarterectomy and bypass), ascending aorta-cervical artery bypass, extra-anatomic bypass in the neck, upper extremity bypass grafting, all types of thoracoabdominal aortic replacement, visceral artery reconstructions (direct renal, ex-vivo renal, coeliac and mesenteric), pararenal and infrarenal aortic aneurysm replacement, surgery for aortoiliac occlusive disease, surgical reconstructions for infected aortic grafts and aorto-enteric fistulae, infrainfrainguinal bypass surgery (femoropopliteal, tibial and pedal bypass and the use of distal a-v fistula / Miller cuff), various embolectomies and thrombectomies.
Venous surgery: Portal vein reconstruction, porta-caval shunts, vena cava replacement, caval thrombectomy, venous thrombectomy in the lower extremity, femoro-femoral venous cross-over bypass, venous valve transplantation, valvuloplasty, varicose vein surgery. Misc: Thoracic outlet syndrome (rib resection), access surgery and transluminally placed endovascular aortic grafts. Ultrasound experience Establishment of the non-invasive vascular laboratory in Uppsala University Hospital (1990) and in Central Hospital-Västerås (2001). Performance (over 30.000) and interpretation (over 20.000) of arterial and venous duplex scanning.
Course in medical teaching
Successfully completed a course (Uppsala University) prior to application for the associate professorship.
Teaching, lectures, course/conference organization
Education of medical students, interns, surgical residents, vascular fellows, vascular surgeons, nurses, vascular nurses and vascular technicians within various aspects of vascular surgery and vascular diagnostic between 1983 through 2004 (Ankara University Hospital-1983-1986; Uppsala University Hospital- 1986-2001; and Västerås Central Hospital-2002-2004). Teaching experience covers regular lectures, examinations, seminaries and rounds and preparation of educational documents. Postgraduate course secretary (peripheral vascular surgery) between 1994 and 1997 at Uppsala University Hospital/Department of Surgery. Preparation of course material, lectures and rounds. Scientific secretary and organizer of “Scandinavian Association for Vascular Surgery-Third Annual Meeting, 1999-Uppsala. Moderator during various vascular surgical meetings in Sweden and Turkey. Presentations during several national and international vascular surgical meetings.
Successfully completed a course (Uppsala University) prior to application for the associate professorship.
Teaching, lectures, course/conference organization
Education of medical students, interns, surgical residents, vascular fellows, vascular surgeons, nurses, vascular nurses and vascular technicians within various aspects of vascular surgery and vascular diagnostic between 1983 through 2004 (Ankara University Hospital-1983-1986; Uppsala University Hospital- 1986-2001; and Västerås Central Hospital-2002-2004). Teaching experience covers regular lectures, examinations, seminaries and rounds and preparation of educational documents. Postgraduate course secretary (peripheral vascular surgery) between 1994 and 1997 at Uppsala University Hospital/Department of Surgery. Preparation of course material, lectures and rounds. Scientific secretary and organizer of “Scandinavian Association for Vascular Surgery-Third Annual Meeting, 1999-Uppsala. Moderator during various vascular surgical meetings in Sweden and Turkey. Presentations during several national and international vascular surgical meetings.
Establishment and administration of vascular laboratory in Uppsala University Hospital(1990-2000) and in Västerås Central Hospital (2001-2004). Chief of vascular surgical division between 2001 and 2003 in Västerås Central Hospital. Established a separate Vascular Surgical Department in Västerås Central Hospital in 2003 and worked as a chief till 2006. Building a special vascular surgical center in Private Istanbul Surgical Hospital in Turkey in 2006.
Attended more than 100 national and international meetings (Nordic countries, England, Scotland, USA, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, France, Australia and Turkey) between 1984 and 2007. Visited several vascular departments in USA and England.
Swedish Vascular Surgical Society
European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular Biology Working Group/USA
Previous editorial member of “European vascular and Endovascular Surgery”
European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular Biology Working Group/USA
Previous editorial member of “European vascular and Endovascular Surgery”
PhD tezi
Doçent Ingvar Eriksson ve Staffan Bowald (1987-1990) ın süpervizörlüğü altında.Distal runoff assessment in infrainguinal bypass surgery- Sadettin Karacagil ( Mayıs 1990, Uppsala Üniversitesi ve “opponent” Doçent David Bergqvist, İsveç)
1. Karacagil S, Almgren B, Lörelius LE, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Angiographic runoff patterns in patients undergoing lower limb revascularization. Acta Chir Scand 1989; 155:19-24.
2. Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Arterial lesions of the foot vessels in diabetic and nondiabetic patients undergoing lower limb revascularization. Eur J Vasc Surg 1989; 3:239-244.
3. Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bergström R, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Postoperative predictive value of a new method of intra-operative angiographic assessment of runoff in femoropopliteal bypass grafting. J Vasc Surg 1989; 10:400-407.
4. Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. A new method of angiographic runoff evaluation in femorodistal reconstructions: significant correlation with early graft patency.Arch Surg 1990; 125:1055-8.
5. Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Angiographic criteria for prediction of early graft failure of secondary infrainguinal bypass surgery. J Vasc Surg 1990; 12:131-8.
6. Karacagil S, Bayazit M, Bowald S, Almgren B, Eriksson I. A simple infusion method for measurement of intraoperative peripheral vascular runoff resistance. Surgery 1991; 109:627-32.
PhD süpervizörlüğü
Tez I. Spinal cord oxygenation during thoracic aortic clamping in pigs - Talebe Anders Hellberg (Mayıs 2000, Uppsala Üniversitesi, “opponent” Profesör Hazim Safi, ABD)
1. Christiansson L, Hellberg A, Koga I, Thelin S, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. A new method of intrathecal PO2,PCO2 and pH measurements for continuous monitoring of spinal cord ischemia during thoracic aortic clamping in pigs. Surgery 2000;127:571-576.
2. Hellberg A, Christianson L, Ulus AT, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. A prolonged spinal cord ischaemia model in pigs. Passive shunting offers stable central hemodynaemics during aortic occlusion. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2000;19:318-23.
3. Hellberg A, Koga I, Christiansson L, Stiernström H, Wiklund L, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Influence of segmental spinal cord perfusion on intrathecal oxygen tension on experimental thoracic aortic crossclamping. J Vasc Surg 2000;31:164-70.
4. Hellberg A, Ulus AT, Christiansson L, Bergqvist D, Thelin S, Karacagil S. Influence of low proximal aortic pressure on spinal cord oxygenation in experimental thoracic aortic occlusion. J Cardiovasc Surg 2001;42:227-31.
5. Hellberg A, Ulus AT, Christiansson L, Westman J, Leppänen O, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Intrathecal oxygen tension monitoring during experimental aortic occlusion predicts ultrastructural changes in the spinal cord. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 121: 316-23.
Tez II- Spinal cord ischemia. An experimental study of the spinal cord blood supply and peroperative ischemia detection by a new method of intrathecal monitoring - Talebe Lennart Christiansson (Mayıs 2000, Uppsala Üniversitesi, “opponent” Professor Wilhelm Sandman-Almanya)
1. Christiansson L, Hellberg A, Koga I, Thelin S, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. A new method of intrathecal PO2,PCO2 and pH measurements for continuous monitoring of spinal cord ischemia during thoracic aortic clamping in pigs. Surgery 2000;127:571-576.
2. Christiansson L, Hellberg A, Svensson BA, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. Relationship between intrathecal oxygen tension and ultrastructural changes in the spinal cord during experimental aortic clamping. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2000; 19:413-420.
3. Christiansson L, Ulus AT, Hellberg A, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. Aspects of the spinal cord circulation as assessed by intrathecal oxygen tension monitoring during various arterial interruptions in the pig. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 121: 762-72.
4. Christiansson L, Ulus AT, Hellberg A, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. Increased FiO2 improves intrathecal oxygenation during thoracic aortic cross-clamping in pigs. Scand Cardiovasc J 2000; 35:147-50.
5. Hellberg A, Ulus AT, Christiansson L, Westman J, Leppänen O, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Intrathecal oxygen tension monitoring during experimental aortic occlusion predicts ultrastructural changes in the spinal cord. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 121: 316-23.
Tez III- The role of duplex scanning in the management of carotid artery disease – Talebe Karl Logason (Mayıs 2001, Uppsala Üniversitesi, “opponent” Doçent Thomas Mätzch, İsveç)
1. Logason K, Karacagil S, Ulus AT, Boström A, Hårdemark HG. The impact of different spectral Doppler criteria on the proportion of high grade internal carotid artery stenosis in patients undergoing duplex scanning. Angiology 2002; 53:297-301.
2. Logason K, Bärlin T, Jonsson ML, Boström A, Hårdemark HG, Karacagil S. The importance of Doppler angle of insonation on differentiation between 50-69 % and 70-99 % carotid artery stenosis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2001;21:311-3.
3. Logason K, Karacagil S, Hårdemark HG, Boström A, Hellberg A, Ljungman C. Carotid artery endarterectomy solely based on duplex scan findings. Vasc Surg 2002; 36:9-15.
4. Logason K, Karacagil S, Boström A, Hårdemark HG, Bergqvist D. Early postoperative duplex scanning after carotid artery endarterectomy. J Vasc Invest 1998; 4:147-149.
5. Logason K, Hårdemark HG, Bärlin T, Ahlström H, Berqgvist D, Karacagil S,. Duplex scan findings in patients with spontaneous cervical artery dissection. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002; 23:295-8.
Thesis IV- The impact of duplex scanning in the management of chronic lower limb arterial disease – Talebe Annika Boström (Mayıs 2001, Uppsala Üniversitesi, “opponent” Profesör Lars Norgren, İsveç).
1. Boström A, Karacagil S, Hellberg A, Ljungman C, Logason K, Östholm G. Surgical reconstruction without preoperative angiography in patients with aorto-iliac occlusive disease. Ann Vasc Surg 2002; 16:273-8.
2. Boström A, Karacagil S, Löfberg AM, Ljungman C, Nyman C, Logason K Hellberg A Selection of patients with lower limb arterial occlusive disease for endovascular treatment of the iliac arteries with duplex scanning. Vasc Surg 2002;35:437-442.
3. Boström A, Karacagil S, Hellberg A, Logason K, Bärlin T, Östholm G. Duplex scanning as the sole preoperative imaging method for infrainguinal arterial surgery.Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002; 23: 140-5.
4. Boström A, Karacagil S, Jonsson ML, Andren B, Östholm G. Redo surgery without preoperative angiography in limbs with patent infrainguinal bypass grafts.Vasc Surg 2002;16:273-278.
5. Boström A, Karacagil S, Löfberg AM, Hellberg A, Andren B, Ljungman C, Logason K, Östholm G. Selection of patients with infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty by duplex scanning. Acta Radiol 2002; 43:391-45.
Tez V- Infrainguinal percutenous transluminal angioplasty in limbs with severe arterial insufficiency –Talebe Anne-Marie Löfberg (Kasım 2001, Uppsala Üniversitesi, “opponent” Doçent Wojciech Cwikiel, İsveç)
1. Löfberg AM, Karacagil S, Ljungman C, Westman B, Boström A, Hellberg A, Östholm G. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the femoropopliteal arteries in limbs with chronic critical lower limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg 2001; 34:114-21.
2. Löfberg AM, Lörelius LE, Karacagil S, Westman B, Almgren B, Bergqvist D. The use of below-knee percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in arterial occlusive disease causing chronic critical ischemia. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 1996;19:317-22.
3. Löfberg AM, Ljungman C, Ulus AT, Boström A, Hellberg A, Karacagil S. Distal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty through infrainguinal bypass grafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002: 23:212-9.
4. Löfberg AM, Karacagil S, Hellberg A, Boström A, Ljungman C, Östholm G. The role of duplex scanning in the selection of patients with critical lower limb ischemia for infrainguinal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2001 Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol.2001;24:229-32.
5. Karacagil S, Löfberg AM, Granbo A, Lörelius LE, Bergqvist D. Value of duplex scanning in evaluation of crural and foot arteries in limbs with severe lower limb ischaemia- a prospective comparison with angiography. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996;12:300-3.
Multi-center çalışmalar
1. The effect of iloprost on graft patency after femorocrural bypass surgery Caprie.
2. Clopidogrel vs Aspirin in patients at risk of ischemic events
3. BR1 in Doppler investigation of abdominal, renal, cerebral, carotid and peripheral arteries and of the portal circulation
4. Oral iloprost in patients with subcritical and critical lower limb ischemia
5. Echo-enhanced MR angiography of the renal and iliac arteries
6. Charisma - Clopidogrel for high atherothrombotic risk and ischemic stabilization, management and avoidance
7. Hemaport 605 -intermittent arteriovenous dialysis system
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S, Lörelius LE. Imaging for renovascular hypertension:the value of duplex against angiography. Edited by RM Greenhalg. Imaging for Vascular Surgeons, WB Saunders,1995.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S, Lindblad B. Is there a evidence in favor of vein graft surveillance ? A randomized trial. Edited by RM Greenhalgh. Trials and Tribulations in Vascular Surgery, WB Saunders, 1996.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Reporting standards for long-term results of vascular and endovascular surgery. Edited by Alan Branchereau and Michael Jacobs. Futura publ, 1997.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S, Löfberg AM. Is balloon angioplasty below the knee joint wise ? Edited by RM Greenhalgh. Indications in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, WB Saunders, 1998.
- Peripheral Vascular disorders. Investigation and surgical intervention (in Swedish). David Bergqvist, Sadettin Karacagil. Studentlitteratur, 1998.
- Bergqvist D, Ettles D, Karacagil S, Ljungman C, Löfberg AM, Ulus AT. Is run-off percutaneous transluminal angioplasty worthwhile ?. Edited by RM Greenhalgh, JT Powel and AW Mitchell. Vascular and Endovascular Opportunities, WB Saunders,2000.
- Karacagil S, Bergqvist D. Duplexundersökning av arteriella grafter. Duplexundersökning av artärer i buken. T Jogestrand, S Rosfors (red). Klinisk fysiologisk kärldiagnostik. Studentlitteratur, 2002.
- Karacagil S,Eriksson I. Entrapment of the axillary artery by anomalous muscle. Case report. Acta Chir Scand 1987; 153:633-4.
- Eriksson I, Bowald S, Karacagil S. Surgical treatment of pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysms. Int Angiol 1988;7:7-13.
- Poskitt KR, Irwin JT, Lane IF, Karacagil S, McCollum CN. Pulmonary microembolization in experimental aortic surgery. Br J Surg 1988;75:1207-11.
- Karacagil S, Nybacka O, Almgren B. Saphenous vein in infrainguinal bypass. Br J Surg 1989; 76:928.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Lörelius LE, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Angiographic runoff patterns in patients undergoing lower limb revascularization. Acta Chir Scand 1989;155:19-24.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Arterial lesions of the foot vessels in diabetic and non-diabetic patients undergoing lower limb revascularization. Eur J Vasc Surg 1989;3:239-44.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bergström R, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Postoperative predictive value of a new method of intraoperative angiographic assessment of runoff in femoropopliteal bypass grafting. J Vasc Surg 1989;10:400-7.
- Almgren B, Karacagil S, Nybacka O. Arteriovenous fistula following transfemoral angiography. Aust N Z J Surg 1990;60:549-50.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. A new method of angiographic runoff evaluation in femorodistal reconstrcutions: significant correlation with early graft patency. Arch Surg 1990;125:1055-8.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Angiographic criteria for prediction of early graft failure of secondary infrainguinal bypass surgery. J Vasc Surg 1990;12:131-8.
- Almgren B, Karacagil S. Non-atherosclerotic true aneurysm formation in a femoro-popliteal saphenous vein graft. Eur J Vasc Surg 1990;4:651-3.
- Almgren B, Karacagil S, Nybacka O. Arterial thrombosis due to idipathic superficial femoral arteriovenous fistula:case report. Vasc Surg 1990;24:602-5.
- Karacagil S, Bayazit M, Bowald S, Almgren B, Eriksson I. A simple infusion method for measurement of intraoperative peripheral vascular runoff resistance. Surgery 1991; 109:627-32.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Eriksson I. Bypass grafting to the popliteal artery in limbs with occluded crural arteries. Am J Surg 1991;162:19-23.
- Malm T, Bowald S, Karacagil S, Bylock A,Busch C. A new biodegradable patch closure of atrial septal defect. An experimental study. Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992;26:9-14.
- Karacagil S, Löfberg AM, Almgren B, Granbo A, Jonsson ML, Lörelius LE, Bergqvist D. Duplex ultrasound scanning for diagnosis of aortoiliac and femoropopliteal arterial disease. Vasa 1994;23:325-9.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Femoral artery disease. Lancet 1994;343:773-8.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S, Olsson A. Angiography and carotid surgery. Läkartidningen 1994;91:1803-4.
- Karacagil S, Granbo A, Almgren B, Ljungman C, Bergqvist D. The effect of postocclusion reactive hyperaemia, papaverin and nifedipine on duplex derived haemodynamic parameters of infrainguinal bypass grafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1995; 9:107-11.
- Hierton T, Karacagil S, Bergqvist D. Long-term follow-up of autologous vein grafts. 40 years after reconstruction for cystic adventitial disease. Vasa 1995;24:250-2.
- Karacagil S, Narbani A, Almgren B, Bowald S, Bergqvist D. Modified vein cuff technique for distal polytetrafluoroethylene graft anastomosis. How we do it. Eur J Surg 1995;161:47-8.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bowald S, Bergqvist D. Comparative analysis of patency, limb salvage and survival in diabetic and non-diabetic patients undergoing infrainguinal bypass surgery. Diabet Med 1995;12:537-41.
- Karacagil S, Granbo A, Jonsson ML, Bergqvist D. Arterial surgery of the extremities without angiography. A simpler preoperative survey with color Doppler. Läkartidningen 1995;92:3692-3.
- Karacagil S, Bergqvist D.Reevaluation of duplex criteria for diagnosis of high grade carotid artery stenosis: when do we need angiography and when can we operate without angiography. Int Angiol 1995;14:410-4.
- Karacagil S, Granbo A, Jonsson ML, Almgren B, Bergqvist D. A modified technique of ultrasonic triplex scanning of the lower extremity arteries. Ups J Med Sci 1996;101:113-20.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B, Bergqvist D. Patterns of atherosclerotic occlusive disease of lower leg and pedal arteries in hypertensive patients undergoing infrainguinal bypass procedures. Int Angiol 1996;15:57-60.
- Bergqvist D, Björkman H, Bolin T, Dalman P, Elfström J, Forsberg O, Johansen L, Karacagil S, Karlqvist PA, Länne T, Plate G, Ribbe E, Spangen L, Stenbaek J, Thomsen M, Wiklund B, Angquist KA. Secondary aortoenteric fistulae-changes from 1973 to 1993. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996;11:425-8.
- Löfberg AM, Lörelius LE, Karacagil S, Westman B, Almgren B, Bergqvist D. The use of below-knee percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in arterial occlusive disease causing chronic critical ischemia. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 1996;19:317-22.
- Karacagil S, Löfberg AM, Granbo A, Lörelius LE, Bergqvist D. Value of duplex scanning in evaluation of crural and foot arteries in limbs with severe lower limb ischaemia- a prospective comparison with angiography. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996;12:300-3.
- Caprie steering committe. A randomised, blinded, trial of clopidogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischaemic events (CAPRIE). Lancet 1996; 348: 1329-1339.
- Karacagil S, Almgren B,Bergqvist D. Outcome of infrainguinal arterial bypass grafting in limbs with postthrombotic syndrome. Clin Appl Thrombosis/Hemostasis 1996; 2:192-195.
- Karacagil S, Holmberg A, Narbani A, Eriksson I, Bergqvist D. Composite polytetraethylene/vein bypass grafts: conventional distal vein segment or vein cuff?. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996;12:337-41.
- Karacagil S, Hårdemark HG, Berqgvist D. Spontaneous internal caortid artery dissection. Review. Int Angiol 1996;15:291-4.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Early thrombosis and late stenosis:The clinical reality. Prog Appl Microcirc 1996; 22:89-97.
- The Iloprost Bypass International Study Group. Effects of perioperative iloprost on patency of femorodistal bypass grafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996;12:363-71.
- Karacagil S, Bowald S, Almgren B, Bergqvist D. Influence of twist on vein and PTFE graft hemodynamics: an ex vivo experimental study. Panminerva Med 1997;39:95-9.
- Bergqvist D, Berggren AL, Björck M, Boström A, Karacagil S. Acupuncture can cause vascular injury. Läkartidningen 1998;95:180-1.
- Christiansson L, Karacagil S, Thelin S, Hellberg A, Tyden H, Wiklund L, Bergqvist D. Continuous monitoring of intrathecal pO2, pCO2 and pH during surgical replacement of type II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1998;15:78-81.
- Eklöf H, Smedby O, Ljungman C, Karacagil S, Bergqvist D, Ahlström H. 2D inflow MR angiography in severe chronic leg ischemia. Acta Radiol 1998;39:663-8.
- Bergqvist D, Karacagil S, Westman B. Paediatric arterial trauma. Eur J Surg 1998;164:723-31.
- Karacagil S, Bergqvist D. Lower extremity arterial reconstructions based on duplex scanning without preoperative angiography. J Vasc Invest 1998; 4: 99-102.
- Karacagil S, Bergqvist D. Incidental early postoperative detection of acute thrombosis at the site of carotid artery endarterectomy by duplex scanning: successful removal of intra- and extracerebral thrombus. J Vasc Invest 1998; 4:197-198.
- Bergqvist D, Apelqvist J, Jorneskog G, Karacagil S, Swedenborg J. Clinical assessment of critical ischemia is always to be done prior to amputation. Läkartidningen 1999;96:727-9.
- Karacagil S, Holmberg A, Westman B, Bergqvist D. Aortic stump dehiscence resulting in false aneurysm after removal of infected aortic graft- surgical repair with fascia lata does not guarantee healing. Angiology and Vascular surgery 1999; 5: 2: 120-122.
- Karacagil S, Thelin S, Grewal P, Bergqvist D. Type IV thorac-abdominal aortic aneurysm complicated by an aorto-enteric fistula due to previous infrarenal aortic graft. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1999;17:268-70.
- Thelin S, Karacagil S, Grewal P, Oxelbark S, Bergqvist D. Surgical repair of type B aortic dissection complicated by early postoperative lung vein and artery thrombosis. Scand Cardiovasc J 1999;33:248-9.
- Christiansson L, Hellberg A, Koga I, Thelin S, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. A new method of intrathecal PO2,PCO2 and pH measurements for continuous monitoring of spinal cord ischemia during thoracic aortic clamping in pigs. Surgery 2000;127:571-576.
- Hellberg A, Koga I, Christiansson L, Stiernström H, Wiklund L, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Influence of segmental spinal cord perfusion on intrathecal oxygen tension on experimental thoracic aortic crossclamping. J Vasc Surg 2000;31:164-70.
- Karacagil S, Thelin S, Nilsson L, Ahlström H, Bergqvist D. A long distal prosthetic bypass grafting from descending aorta to distal peroneal artery. Sometimes it works ! Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2000;19:92-3.
- Hellberg A, Christianson L, Ulus AT, Bergqvist D, Wiklund L, Karacagil S. A prolonged spinal cord ischaemia model in pigs. Pasive shunting offers stable central hemodynaemics during aortic occlusion. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2000;19:318-23.
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- Ulus AT, Tutun U, Zorlu F, Can C, Apaydin N, Karacagil S, Katircioglu SF,Bayazit M.Prevention of intimal hyperplasia by single-dose pre-insertion external radiation in canine-vein interposition grafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2000;19:456-60.
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- Karacagil S, Ljungman C, Boström A, Hellberg A. Anastomotic rupture at the site of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and distal vein cuff of femoropopliteal bypass. Two case reports. Upsala J Med Sci 2000 :105;245-248.
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- Hellberg A, Ulus AT, Christiansson L, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Influence of low proximal aortic pressure on spinal cord oxygenation in experimental thoracic aortic occlusion. J Cardiovasc Surg 2001;42:227-31.
- Hellberg A, Ulus AT, Christiansson L, Westman J, Leppänen O, Bergqvist D, Karacagil S. Monitoring of intrathecal oxygen tension during experimental aortic occlusion predicts ultrastructural changes in the spinal cord. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 121.
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- Logason K, Ulus AT, Bergqvist D, Ljungman C, Karacagil S. Acute occlusion of the distal popliteal artery due to osteochondroma of the fibula: a case report and review of the literature. EJVES extra 2001; 1; 1-3. Logason K, Karacagil S, Hårdemark HG, Bärlin T, Ahlström H. Duplex scan findings in patients with spontaneous cervical artery dissection. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002; 23:295-8.
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